Starting the Year Right with Samsung Home Appliances

We have arrived here in April 2021 and I am sure we can all relate to each other with goals and resolutions as we have entered yet another exciting and uncertain year. Mental wellness, physical improvement, overall health and the list goes on! I am so happy to say this year has already been a game-changer for me and I have begun my healthy habits journey which has resulted in fairly significant weight loss for me that is super cool to see. 2020 was a journey, to say the least, but it brought so many amazing things to our family and new ideas to focus our energy on.

A have learned and practiced a few new things this year and dialling in on what is important was our theme. Healthy eating, healthy mind, healthy life. These are not easy to achieve during a global pandemic but it's what brought us joy over these last few months and let me tell you how we did it!

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Organize, purge, clear out the mess. This could be anything - your mind, your fridge, your closet, your car. You can not create new habits and achieve your goals if you have a cluttered space and messy thoughts. One of our goals this year is to maintain the fridge organization in our gorgeous Samsung 4-Door French Door with Twin Cooling Plus fridge. This mama loves that the kids can grab their own H2O and snacks - huge time saver! The flex drawer is a game-changer with fridge dividers and adjustable temperature.

Not only are we focused on the fridge organization of this space but what goes inside of it. The way to reach our goals, both physical and mental, is to dial in and focus on what we are putting inside our body and what we are feeding our minds. Filling our fridge with foods that will help to improve our overall health is a priority and will change the way we move throughout our day! We have seen such huge changes and are excited to keep this up going forward! Thankfully this Samsung fridge keeps it super easy to organize and keep looking gorgeous inside and out!

Another way we have achieved our goals and continue to keep smashing them is to keep moving! We have spent more time at home this year than ever and this spot is a perfect hub, so why not do some walking lunges around your kitchen island and play a fun game of tag that will make your kids day? We have implemented both in our routines and it usually involves our favourite beats and a whole lot of giggles! What better way is there to spend a day?

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We have become so excited to see our fridge stocked with healthy foods for us and our kiddos. Shopping way more in the produce aisle and far less in the centre of the grocery store! Our kiddos are obsessed with certain foods and quite picky so here are a few items you will always find in our refrigerator and freezer!

  • Apples

  • Oranges

  • Alternating fruits such as strawberries, pineapple, grapes and blueberries

  • Cucumbers

  • Celery

  • Peppers

  • Jalapenos

  • Lettuce

  • Eggs

  • Unsweetened applesauce

  • Carrots

  • Yogurts

  • Lemons

  • Cheese

  • Frozen blueberries

  • Soda waters

  • Leftovers

Obviously other items cycle in and out but these items you are likely to always find in our fridge and are snack staples! You are also likely to find a bottle of wine in that gorgeous middle drawer - have I told you about my love for that flex drawer? 

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Overall I am so happy with where we are and can not tell you how excited I am to smash these new years goals for 2021! I believe strongly in setting yourself up for success so remember that every time you go grocery shopping, are stocking your fridge or just need to say “tag you're it” to get your kids moving. We are going to smash this year by setting up priorities and healthy mindsets and remember, you can achieve ANYTHING you put your mind to and heart into! You’ve got this.

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Happy planning/organizing / prioritizing / purging and wishing you the best in 2021!

Click here for the link to our 4-Door, French Door with Twin Cooling Plus Samsung fridge!

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