Goals for 2022

Well, we’ve almost made it through the first month of 2022 - it has already been a wild ride but I am here for it! If you haven’t already read my blog about our journey with Jackson you won't know that we may have some big changes ahead for this year so goal making was a little different this year but still had to be done! We don’t like to put too much pressure on resolutions so we make goals of what we would like to achieve each year. Doing this process made us sit down and truly go through and think about where we want to be at the end going into 2023. I think it is such a good healthy activity to do as a couple. Communicating what your dreams are forces you to actually think about your ambitions and where you want to be.

We have so many smaller goals, a few larger ones and a few different categories so I am going to go through the major ones here and I hope this inspires you to sit down even just yourself and make goals for this amazing year of 2022!

PS - I am going to add my favourite selfies and photos from throughout the year of 2021 as we made some AMAZING memories and I’m going to do the same for next year.


  1. Socialize - We all know over the last few years things have been so crazy - so many rules, mandates and isolation. During the year 2020 into 2021, we were thriving, embracing the chaos and positively leaning into the isolation times. We celebrated as a family and had an amazing year. However, the final half of 2021 was not the easiest for us and the confinement got old fast. We missed having our big family dinners over Thanksgiving and Christmas as we typically host and as fun as it was to create these fun memories with just us we were ready to welcome people back into our home. Things are not completely back from the craziness but we are so ready to not only go back to hosting but just surround ourselves even more with our loved ones and beautiful friendships that we want to pour more of ourselves into. We are more than ready to make up for lost times and this is a huge goal for us, fuelling our lives with the humans we have been blessed with.

2. Get back to food prepping - This one is huge because we have other huge fitness goals and this one is the main one that keeps us on track. If you’ve been following us for a while on Instagram you’ll know that hubby loves to cook and create amazing meals in the kitchen that while they are mostly healthy, they don’t exactly fit in with our goals for the next few months eaten regularly as we were doing. We looked back at when we felt the most fit in the past and that was when we had prepped every lunch in containers in the fridge kept things simple and planned - easy to stay on track. Failing to plan is planning to fail and we have big fitness goals we want to achieve before summer so Sunday meal prep is back in business! Who wants to join us on stories as we food prep and pack on Sundays? Comment below!

3. Make our marriage thrive - So we’re already pretty close I’m not going to lie! I know the last few years with all the chaos has NOT been easy and has put a lot of stress and strain on marriages and relationships and I have watched many go through that. Some have had to work in close proximity for long periods of time and that can make or break some relationships. Thankfully that was not the case for us (sorry hubby) but I don’t think that would have been a great situation for us. Throughout the stressful months we somehow really leaned in on each other and although we are not perfect we really grew closer than ever and healed some communication issues we previously had. I personally feel like I finally let go of a wall I still had up after ten years of marriage and I am more myself than I ever have been. We don’t have a lot of babysitters in the city and don’t get many dates or alone time so that is a goal for us to schedule this in and be sure to make memories just the two of us. Dating your spouse is so important and our goal is to continue making that a priority.

4. Travel + adventure regularly - If you have followed our recent Maddox journey you will know we have faced a new phase of heightened anxiety in our sweet boy. He has been sensitive to wind since the day he was born and this has increased this fall into a crippling fear which has changed the way we function as a family. We have put so much time and healing into him over these past months which has changed the activities we are usually doing this time of year. Typically we would be living in the mountains and exploring almost every weekend, we’d be putting together a list of hikes we want to do in the spring etc. Getting to the mountains has been next to impossible with our situation but we want to give Maddox every ounce of help so we can get back to being the exploring adventurous family we are! We are hoping to take every opportunity we can to get out travelling this year and we will do whatever we need to do to make this happen!

5. Get help with my anxiety - This one would have a trickle effect on our entire family. I don’t talk about this as often as I should but I have suffered from crippling anxiety for years now and it has affected my daily life. It changes year by year being more intense in some than others but I suffer from severe night terrors, anxiety about pretty much everything I can’t control and it affects everyone and everything in my life. I cut medication off cold turkey the day Maddox was born (I do not recommend) and have pretty much just avoided any help that I need being the stubborn person I am. A lot has happened in my life over the last couple of months and I feel like it is finally time to put on my big girl pants and seek the help I need to heal my own mental health so I can help Maddox in his journey as well. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and watching Maddox suffer the way he has shows me what I don’t want him to face as an adult. Getting help is so important and as I’ve preached that to so many, I need to listen to my own words and seek help for myself. I’m not tearing up, you are!

6. Child independence - I like many suffer from an issue called helicopter parenting! Hubby is a little better at this than me but I have an almost nine-year-old and to me that is just mind-boggling, how do you even process that? Over this last year, I feel like we’ve entered this new phase of life with our kids growing older and I feel like my mind hasn’t really wrapped around this yet. I no longer have boys that need everything done for them and that is a huge mama adjustment ok? I’m sure I am not alone in this but not always being needed sounds lovely but also takes some adjusting. I am going to admit that I get stuck in the motions of daily life and change is something I take time to adjust to. Our goal now is to look differently at our boys as they are so much more independent and lean into that, allowing them more responsibility and helping them grow into the people they are going to become. This may seem like a simple thing but things will be changing around our home as to responsibilities, chores and allowing them to make more choices for themselves. Does anyone else struggle with these adjustments?

7. Fitness goals - I had to add these in here because it wouldn’t be new years goals without some over-achieving fitness goals! We both have goal weights we want to hit but that is not the main thought, the scale we know is just a tool and we don’t judge our fitness based on a number! We want to work out 4-6 times per week alternating cardio with weights and we want to push and challenge ourselves mentally and physically. My goal is to be even better than last year in every single way and mental and physical improvements are so important. I want to include yoga in my night routine (also a smaller goal) and include many different forms of fitness in our routines! Hiking as much as possible in the spring/summertime, swimming and walks, you name it! You know how much I love that treadmill but pushing myself with weights is my main priority this year! I feel like the treadmill is my therapist and weights are my game changer!

If you’ve made it this far thank you for reading and I would love to hear your main goals for 2022 in the comments below! Self-improvement is so important no matter what way and I encourage you to make it a priority in 2022!

Go crush it!